Personal Injury Guides

What If I Need Surgery After an Accident?

If you or a loved one are involved in an accident that causes personal injury or trauma, the first thing you’ll want to do is get the medical care you need.  However, it isn’t always possible to tell how deep the damage may be to your body immediately after an incident. At times, it isn’t…

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3 Ways Covid-19 Could Increase Commercial Vehicle Accidents

With most of the country still under lockdown and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommending social distancing measures, you might expect there to be a decrease in car accidents. Unfortunately, this HealthDay News reports a rise in reckless driving all across the country. These statistics are just the tip of the iceberg.…

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Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Texas Car Accident Claims?

Times are uncertain for everyone right now. Nobody can be sure of what the next day will hold, let alone the next week or month. This situation has left many people wondering, “If daily tasks like going to the grocery store are affected, then how will getting into a car accident and filing a claim…

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Why Your Truck Accident Case Needs a Spoliation Letter

In a truck accident injury claim, proving liability with solid evidence is the only way to seek out proper civil justice from the trucker and/or trucking company. Even then, expecting a trucking company–especially one that caused your accident through negligence–to act in good faith and actually provide this evidence for your case may be nothing…

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What Happens To my Accident Case Due to the COVID-19 Crisis?

With the current shelter-in-place orders happening all over Texas, and many businesses closing or working remotely, it is normal for injured victims to wonder whether their accident cases will be able to continue. Even though the uncertainty surrounding daily events is normal, the Austin personal injury attorneys at Ramos James Law, PLLC  have some helpful…

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Shocking Statistics: Looking Into the Car Accidents That Occur in Austin and Throughout Texas

Car accidents are not only a hassle to deal with financially, but the end results could be devastating to the human body and mind. In some instances, the injuries that are sustained in them may take years to recover from, making a significant impact on their quality of life. While car accidents can happen to…

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The Value of Choosing a Spanish-Speaking Lawyer

Texans’ communal spirit is shown through the diversity of our population. As of 2018, Hispanic residents made up nearly 40 percent of Texas’ population, and that percentage is expected to keep growing. In a state with such a flourishing Hispanic community, quality legal service can’t be carried out in English alone. With that in mind,…

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A Dangerous Decade Left Behind: Car Accident Statistics & Tips to Better Protect Yourself in 2020

As we begin a new decade, we all have particular resolutions that are hard to commit to at first. But one resolution we should all commit and stick to in 2020 is to become better drivers.  Sadly, at least one person has died on Texas roads every day since November 7th, 2000, according to the…

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5 Tips for Driving in the Fog

Foggy conditions are typical of the spring and autumn, but not unexpected during other times of the year, like winter. The general advice tends to be to not drive too fast and to keep assured clear distance between vehicles to avoid accidents.  But what exactly are you exposed to when driving in the fog? Driving…

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The Best New Year’s Resolutions for Drivers

As 2019 comes to an end, we begin to look forward to the coming decade. We set resolutions for weight loss, self-care, and developing healthier habits, but often overlook setting goals for one of the most integral parts of our daily lives: driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 6,734,000 motor vehicle…

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Ramos James Obtains Another 6 Figure Settlement for A Client—What Does That Money Mean For Him?

Many times we see advertisements showing how much money personal injury attorneys obtain for their clients. It is easy to think that personal injury is a business where money is the only thing that matters and people who are injured want to hit the lottery after getting into a fender bender. In fact, many folks…

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How long does an accident case take?

This is one of the questions that most of our clients know. Whether a person has an injury case, a crash case or an accident case of any kind, it is important to understand the legal situation one is in when someone hurts us without being our fault. The number of factors that influence the…

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2800 S I-35 Frontage Rd, Suite 265 Austin, TX, 78704


(512) 537-3369
